Your Social Media Specialists

If you are in business, then social media has to be a part of your marketing strategy. But it takes time…often too much time. Our talented Field of Play Marketing team can help. We work with our clients to create social media content and then manage placement and scheduling. The posts we create are current, research based, and represent our clients in real-time. And we even create graphics for your posts. Huge bonus! If you are looking for help with your social media posts that solicit “likes” and engage your followers, then you will want to contact us!

The Field Of Play Marketing team will post on:

  • Your LinkedIn Groups

  • LinkedIn Page

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

  • Google+

  • YouTube

  • Foursquare

  • Flickr

  • Many, many more

Click below to see an example of our work and to contact us regarding your social media needs!


The jersey is off, but that does not mean that your life is over. Former athletes like you are eager to re-invent themselves and we can help!


Our goal is to create a marketing campaign that is aligned with your career aspirations which will elevate your notoriety, business experience and income.

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